242 research outputs found

    Stock Performance of Jakarta Islamic Index Based on Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Method

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    This study aims to analyse stock performance using the Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen methods at Jakarta Islamic Index during 2014-2016. This research is a descriptive and quantitative research. The object of the research is the stocks listed on Jakarta Islamic Index in the period of 2014 to 2016. The sample selection is determined by purposive sampling technique with the criteria of stocks consistently listed on Jakarta Islamic Index during 2014-2016. By this criteria, this study used 19 stocks as a sample. The result shows that there is no stock that consistently performed positively or consistently outperformed Jakarta Islamic Index against market benchmark

    A Review for the Current Advancements in 5G Technology

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    الجيل الخامس للاتصالات أو ما يشار اليه باختصار (5G) يمثل التطور الجديد في عالم الاتصالات والذي يعتمد عليه لكسر حاجز سرعة البيانات الحالي للوصول إلى سرعات عالية. تَعِد هذه التقنية الحديثة بسرعات خيالية ستمكن المستخدمين من إجراء مكالمات صورية ذات دقة عالية جدا وبوقت حقيقي دون تقطيعات. كما وستوفر هذه التقنية أيضا البنى التحتية لما يعرف بإنترنت الأشياء (IoT) والذي سيعتمد من قبل الحكومات الالكترونية ومراكز الرعاية الصحية الالكترونية وشبكات الواصل الاجتماعي وتبادل البيانات بالإمكانات المفتوحة والتحكم عن بعد بالمنشآت الحكومية المهمة والحساسة. الغرض من ها البحث هو تقديم مسح بياني عن التحديثات الجديدة في هذا الميدان (5G) والمقاييس المتوفرة والتي هي تحت البحث والمناقشة والإمكانات المستقبلية لهذه التقنية. بالإضافة لهذا يتطرق البحث لموضوع التحديات والصعوبات التي تواجه هذه التقنية الحديثة والخطط الموضوعة لمستقبل الاتصالات.The fifth generation technology or in short (5G technology) is the recent technology that is meant to break the data limits barrier. It promises very high data rates that will provide the user with enough bandwidth to conduct a real time HD telephone conversation. It will also provide the infrastructure for the IoT (Internet of Things) that will be dedicated for electronic governments, electronic healthcare centers, social media networks, full-scale data sharing, and remote controlling for sensitive governmental facilities. This paper is intended as survey for the current developments and technologies available for the coming 5G mobile technology. It discusses the ideas, the preparations, the developments, the standards under discussion and the potentials for this technology. In addition, this work takes into consideration the challenges and the difficulties facing this new coming technology and the plans laid ahead for the futuristic mobile networks

    Light Fidelity Technology Technique and Parameters: A Review Paper

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    في وقتنا الحاضر عمليات زيادة سرعة نقل البيانات لاقت اهتمام كبيرا من قبل الباحثين لتلبية الزياده الكبيرة بعدد المستخدمين وكثرة تبادل البيانات. في ورقه المراجعة هذه قمنا بمراجعة تقنية نقل البيانات عبر الضوء المرئي والتي تعتبر تكنولوجيا المستقبل والتي ستوفر الحل لجميع الاختناقات بسبب امكانيتها العاليه لنقل البيانات بسرع عالية جدا تصل الى 100 مرة أسرع من تقنية Wi-Fi. تم التركيز بهذه الورقه على تعريف هذه التقنية وتطبيقاتها ومنافعها وكذلك معوقاتها لكي يتم تجاوزها والتي تعتبر البديل لتقنية Wi-Fi الموجوده.The process of increasing the speed of the internet in the present time is of great interest to researchers. In this paper we reviewed the Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology, which is the future of communications that will provide solutions to the problems of bottlenecks. This technology has the ability  to transfer data rate at  very high speed of up to 100 times faster than Wi-Fi technology  The focus of this paper is on the definition of Li-Fi and the applications, benefits, disadvantages of Li-Fi technology and the future uses of this technology as compared to the existing ones such as Wi-Fi technology, where the abundance of technology for Wi-Fi offers a larger package ,a better work efficiency and a greater security of data transfer technologies Currently exist

    Roughness in Anti Semigroup

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    In this paper, we present the concepts of the upper and lower approximations of Anti-rough subgroups, Anti-rough subsemigroups, and homeomorphisms of Anti-Rough anti-semigroups in approximation spaces. Specify the concepts of rough in Finite anti-groups of types(4) are studies. Moreover, some properties of approximations and these algebraic structures are introduced. In addition, we give the definition of homomorphism anti-group

    Facies Analysis and Depositional Environment of the Mulussa Formation at the Ga'ara Depression, West of Iraq

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    A detailed study on the facies and depositional environment of the Mulussa Formation (Carnian-Norian) at the southern rim of Ga'ara depression, west of Iraq is carried out. The investigation is based on ninety six thin sections collected from five outcrop sections. This formation is dominantly composed of carbonate, marls and subordinate sandstone. Three lithofacies are recognized, depending on field description and microscopic examination, namely: dolomite, dolomitic sandstone and marl. The dolomite lithofacies is divided into four main microfacies, namely: dolomitized lime mudstone (four submicrofacies), dolomitized wackstone (two submicrofacies), dolomitized packstone (three submicrofacies) and dolomitized algal boundstone. Dolomitic sandstone lithofacies is two microfacies, namely: calcarenite and basal conglomerate of sandstone microfacies. By facies analysis, the deposition of Mulussa Formation took place in subtidal, lagoon, tidal flats, tidal ponds, tidal channels and coastal dunes. It generally represents deposition in shallow inner shelf environment with some continental influence in hot, arid to semi-arid climate. Keywords: facies analyses, depositional environment, carbonate rocks, Mulussa Formation, Ga'ara depression, Iraq

    Examining Jordanians\u27 Attitudes Towards Five Types of Developmental Disabilities

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    Background: The diagnosis and reported rates of persons with developmental disabilities (PWDDs) in Jordan is steadily increasing. Although initiatives have been implemented to improve the lives of PWDDs, attitudes towards PWDDs hinder successful inclusion in the Jordanian society. Objectives: To examine the relationship between Jordanians socio-economic status and attitudes towards persons with developmental disabilities: autism, blindness, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and muscular dystrophy. Methods: Jordanians (N=259), ages 18-65 were recruited for this convergent parallel, mixed-methods study. Participants completed the modified 40-item Community Living Attitude Scale-developmental disability (CLAS-DD) and the modified Intellectual Disability Literacy Scale consisting of five vignettes, representing each developmental disability. Of the 259 participants, 32 were randomly selected for the qualitative phase of this study Results: A one-way ANOVA was used to analyze CLAS-DD, results revealed consistent significance between all subscales and income levels. For instance, sheltering scores revealed significance between income levels \u3e800 (Mdn= 4.0) and \u3c180 (Mdn = 4.57) (p= 0.006). Further, using A Welch test, IDLS findings showed differences of relationship between social distance and income level. The qualitative study confirmed the quantitative analysis; however, attitude vary depending by type of contact with persons with developmental disabilities. Conclusions: Few empirical studies related to PWDDs exist in Jordan. This foundation work can be utilized by the social, educational and public health sectors to understand determinants influencing attitudes towards persons with disabilities, prior to designing initiatives. Based on the findings, there is potential for inclusion of PWDDs in Jordan, with strategically designed disability awareness initiatives

    Kajian Nilai Pasar Produksi Hasil Tangkapan Di Pps Nizam Zachman Dan Ppi Muara Angke (the Study of Catch Production Market Value in Pps Nizam Zachman and Ppi Muara Angke)

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    The catch production in a particular area especially in fishing port should also be offset by economic value of that catch. So it has a chance to enhance not only for national market but also export market. PPS Nizam Zachman and PPI Muara Angke are two main points of catch distribution center and the biggest supplier fish product in DKI Jakarta. Catch production at ports is very important to know and researched so the port users and managers can compare catches result at that ports toward fisheries production in the DKI Jakarta area, to increase the affordable price and fulfil standard quality of fish consumption. This study aimed to get the market value of catch production and knowing the factors that affect market value. The method in this research used descriptive analysis. This research resulted the index of catch production value at PPS Nizam Zachman and PPI Muara Angke from 2004 until 2013 are more than 1 and less than 1. The factors that influencethe market value of the production of the catch in PPS Nizam Zachman and PPI Muara Angke were (1) dominant fish species (76.8), whereas since dominant product landed in PPI Muara Angke was only squid, 28.40% of total catches; (2) prime handling of dominant fish species in PPS Nizam Zachman, whereas in PPI Muara Angke poor handling of auctioned fish, allowed to sunlight exposure, thus quality could not be maintained and market value can not be increased; (3) fishing gear; most equipments in PPS Nizam Zachman (76%), were able to catch fish species with important economy vallue (84.7%), whereas in PPI Muara Angke is bouke ami (40%) and (4) marketing goals in PPS Nizam Zachman which oriented on exports, whereas PPI Muara Angke which oriented on local